Steve Jobs – RIP
Presented by Eric Matz, Coldwell Banker Rancho Bernardo, Poway Real Estate
We knew the day would come when Steve Jobs would lose his battle with cancer and that day is here. There have been many iconic people in our history that have changed the way we live and Steve Jobs’ vision and technological genius lets him fall into this category. If you were around in the 1980s when he developed the Macintosh, that’s where it started. If you own an iPod, I think that’s where his true marketing genius developed. From there it was the iTunes that revolutionized the online music industry. Then it was the iPhone , MAC and iPad and of course, the updates to each of those devices.

His technoligical vision has revolutionized the way we communicate, do business and entertain ourselves. It seems that everything he touched at Apple turned to gold, I hope that vision continues.