Late Summer Buying & Selling Secrets

Most real estate experts would tell you that spring and early summer is peak season for buying or selling a home, and statistics show that they’re right. But that doesn’t mean that the rest of the summer is wasted time for people looking to buy or sell.

August, in particular, can be a productive month, as people are looking to move into better school districts, move before the less than desirable winter months come, and are more anxious to sell after months of unproductive showings.

So, if August is still prime time for real estate, how can you make the most of the month to ensure your new home dreams become a reality by the fall? Try some of these tips!

For Sellers

Beat the heat

Holding an open house in the heat of summer might sound like an uphill battle, but if you turn your home into an oasis from the scorching sun, buyers will be much more likely to pass through. Consider keeping your home even cooler than usual, and perhaps offer refreshments like lemonade, ice cold water, or even ice pops.

Spruce up the exterior

By August your lawn might start to look a little dull and brown from the heat of the summer—not ideal for showing the potential of your space. Try your best to keep the exterior of your home as presentable and green as possible to attract more buyers.